Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The First Step in Suicide Prevention: Going to a Psych Ward

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Download a free PDF of my book LEAP at: http://nancyxia.com My Story of how I survived my suicide attempt: https://youtu.be/xi-on4PmKuE

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The tragic death of former miss USA Cheslie Kryst stirred up another round of discussion on suicide prevention. Her death certainly hit close to home for me, at age 18, by the same means, my suicide attempt made me paralyzed for life. Over the years, I was in and out of a psychiatric ward for a total of 5 months. In this video, I will share my experience in the psych ward. I hope that you will find this interesting and thought-provoking. I will also discuss the importance of seeking inpatient treatment when someone is suicidal. And why it is the first and most important step in recovering from a mental illness.

There are two primary functions of seeking inpatient treatment when someone is suicidal. First, it is to make sure that the person is safe from self-harm and also it is to protect others from being harmed by that person. In my previous video, I share how I had thought about hurting my parents when I was extremely suicidal. When people are that depressed they can have very dark thoughts and actions. Going to a psychiatric facility is the only way to make sure that everyone is safe. The second critical reason for going to a psychiatric facility is to get an accurate diagnosis of one’s mental illness. I was not formally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder until 3 years after my injury. When the doctor first saw me after my suicide attempt, he only knew that I was depressed, but he didn’t know that I was Manic prior to my depression. I was on the wrong medication for three years and it triggered my second major episode of Bipolar Disorder. Unlike other medical illnesses, a mental illness can’t be objectively diagnosed by means like blood testing, X-rays, MRI, etc. On top of that, people with different conditions can demonstrate similar clinic symptoms, the only way to correctly diagnose a patient is when that person is under closer observation by the psychiatrist during their stay at the psychiatric ward or a psychiatric hospital. 

I want to tell you a real example of a peer who recently went to a psych ward because of his extreme suicidal and psychotic symptoms. During his stay, he refused treatment and acted violently towards the staff. Six police officers were called in to restrain him. He was tied up in a bed for three days, during which he was injected with medication. It was a gruesome scene in the eyes of people who don’t understand the context. 

You know, exactly the way how movies and TV series will tell stories inside a psych ward. But, at the time, and under the circumstances, it was the only way to keep him safe, confirm his diagnosis and make him start his much-needed treatment. In my own journey, prior to my suicide attempt, my parents didn’t want to send me to a psych ward because they thought that my symptoms would be worsened if I were surrounded by other mentally ill people. At the time, they had no knowledge about mental illness or how to navigate psychiatric care. Their misconception of a psych ward contributed to the worsening of my illness, and consequently my paralysis due to my suicide attempt. This is their biggest regret even to this day. 

If you have a loved one who is going through a mental health crisis, please do not be misled by outdated and false perceptions of a psych ward. Of course, conditions inside a psych ward can be very different between facilities in different parts of the world or even within the same country. Before sending your loved one to a psych ward, it’s best to do some research, try to admit them into a reputable general hospital in your area. In my next video, I will share my personal experience and encounter inside a psych ward.

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